My progress hasn't been saved
To ensure your progress is saved, please make sure you...
How can I restart or reset a topic?
You can restart a topic either within the Word Preview...
Login issues
To successfully log into your existing account, please...
Streak vs Progress
The daily streak is counted after a completed session ...
Change email address or login method
At present, it isn't possible to switch providers or c...
Crash Issues
If the app is crashing, please fill out the following ...
How many languages can I learn and how do I change my learning language?
We are pleased to announce that you can learn all the ...
I have a premium subscription but I still can learn only 5 minutes.
Don't worry, you have unlimited time. You just need to...
Can I use Drops offline or when I don't have access to the internet?
Offline access is only available to our Premium subscr...
I don't remember the meaning of an image. How do I get hints?
Do you struggle to recall the meaning of a specific im...